
Pablo Escriva

Software Engineer

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About Me

Full-Stack Software Engineer from Madrid (Spain).



Software Development Engineer

(Madrid, Spain) After 6 months of internship I joined Amazon again as part of a small agile team at Amazon Business International, developing new initiatives for Amazon's global business.

Noesis Technologies

Software Development Internship

(Madrid, Spain) My main duty was to integrate NoesisGUI (a proprietary user interface middleware) in a web application to make it easy to share content with clients.

IMDEA Networks Institute

Full Stack Development Internship

(Madrid, Spain) Development of a communications reporting tool used to store and manage impacts on the media made by researchers. This web application is also a Business Intelligence tool that is able to generate real-time reports and statistics. It is also my first project using Docker for deployment.

San Francisco State University

Teacher Assistant

(San Francisco, CA) I was grader and assistant for CSC645 Computer Networks class with Professor Joseph Kang PhD during Spring 2019 semester. I was also responsible of designing and teaching labs with topics such as Internet Protocols, Packet Sniffing with Wireshark, Online security and more.

Arenas Entertainment

Business Management Internship

(Los Angeles, CA) Assisted CEO in his daily tasks, helped controller manage the company’s accounting.


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Sept 2015 - May 2021

Dual Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Business Management.

San Francisco State University

August 2018 - June 2019

Dual Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Business Management.

I was part of an exchange program for a full academic year, I took really interesting classes including Web Applications development and Design, Computer Networks and Software Engineering. I also had the opportunity to be a Teacher assistant and attend several Hackathons and Conferences in SF Bay Area.



September 2019 - March 2020

Developed a web application to write, share and render user interfaces in real time using xaml and a proprietary UI middleware developed by Noesis Technologies. I am working as a full stack developer using React and integrating the tool with external APIs such as Github Gist to manage content.

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Communications-Reporting Tool

Summer 2019

Communications-Reporting Tool is a web application I made during my internship at IMDEA Networks Institute that can be used to analyse the impact of scientific research on the media. The main purpose for developing this tool is to provide a simple, yet powerful way of keeping track of all the information about the media impact of the institute and make it easy to extract statistics in real time.


May 2019

CosmoQuiz is an iOS app that uses Nasa's API to generate random Astronomy Pictures of the Day (APOD) from the archive. Users of CosmoQuiz can solve quizes related to this pictures and learn about the universe. Built with swift using Firebase for the backend and Nasa's open API's for the content.

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March 2019

This is my first Unity project, I have learned how to create a basic structure for a 3D game as well as interacting with objects using C#. I also used packages such as ProBuilder and ProGrids.

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Ride Share

February 2019

I built this iOS app with my teammate in SFHacks 2019, a hackathon at San Francisco State University. It is a basic Ride sharing app for students.

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Fall 2018

Led a team of 7 people to launch a buy and sell online platform using modern software engineering tools.

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Fall 2018

Multiplayer online game built with Node.js, Express, and Postgress.

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